This was taken at Deep Creek State Park in Ninilchik. Mt Redoubt is in the background. I'm on the left, then Reg, then his Folk's who were visiting from Aurora, CO. We had the "Vacation of a Lifetime"!
Mt Redoubt across Cook Inlet taken from Sterling Highway near Ninilchik.
Big Orca during Kenai Fjords Cruise.
Slightly out of focus, but you can tell what it is!
Beautiful Bald Eagle at Ninilchik.
This is Ursala. She has two "cubs" that still live with her although they are 5 years old! Their names are Digger and Emmett. Emmett used to be Emma til it was discovered she was a boy!
This is Digger, one of Ursala's sons. The Raven kept giving Digger grief. It was so fun to watch. Digger would get a clam, and the Raven would try to take it away! I don't think the Raven ever succeeded!
Black Bear Cub up a tree and no mom in sight! This was taken during a raft trip on the Kenai River.
Look closely and you'll see a Great Horned Owl. We saw this one during a raft trip on the Kenai River.
Cute little sea otters.
This young female moose was taking a bath and eating. She came right up to us, making us a little nervous.
A clean girl!
Humpback Cow and her Calf
Humpback whale going deep.
Aialik Glacier during Kenai Fjords Cruise. The Captain turned off the boat's motor so we could hear the glacier. It sounded like a West Texas thunderstorm!
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
A sure sign of Spring!
Notice the two lovers in the lower left corner blending really well with the road!
Lurking everywhere at Ft Wainwright, AK!
Believe it or not, this is the huge beaver in the beaver pond. This picture was taken through Reg's binoculars. Pretty good for a primitive setup!
I must see something!
First time I've ever seen a beaver live, and close up!