This is some Fireweed we found growing behind one of the buildings here on base. Actually it grows pretty much everywhere here. The flowers start opening at the bottom and proceed to the top. The myth is that this when the flowers open at the top, it is only two weeks til winter.
This was taken up on Birch Hill. Reg and I were up there looking at the Alaska Range when we noticed that it looked as if it had recently snowed. This is the seed that blows off from the Birch trees and Cottonwood. I also found out that the Aspen and the Alders can produce this type of seed. So this may be a mixture of all types. Whatever it is, it is deep and everywhere!
Here he comes! If you wait for just a little bit, this beautiful Red Fox will show up and pose for pictures. Thankfully, it's not to far to our house, and I get to see him pretty often!